Index to the Admission Books of the
Geelong Infirmary and Benevolent Asylum

by Fred Walter and Heather Cox


Our thanks are due to all those people who have given us considerable help and encouragement in compiling this index.

We are particularly grateful to Mr. Norman Houghton and his staff at the Geelong Heritage Centre for their assistance and foresight in organising the microfilming of the original admission books by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; to the members of the Geelong Family History Group Inc. for their encouragement throughout this project and particularly the late Mrs. Ev Madden who spent many hours making copies of the records for our use; to the late Dr. W.R. (Roy) Lang, Honorary Archivist at The Geelong Hospital for allowing us to look at the original records; and finally to our respective families for their help and patience while this project was under way.